Linux: Display Hard Drive Serial Number For Each Device

I needed to physically replace a drive in an array and to do that I needed the serial number of the drive.

for i in $(awk '/sd[a-z]+$/ { print $4 }' /proc/partitions | sort); do printf "%-5s%s\n" $i "$(smartctl -i /dev/$i | grep Serial | sed 's/^[^:]\+:[[:space:]]\+\([[:alnum:]\-]\+\)/\1/')"; done

sda  WD-WXL708065381
sdaa Z1F1HLJN
sdb  Z1F0YPP2
sdc  Z1F136GZ
sdd  Z1F0X9X7
sde  Z1F136DE
sdf  Z1F1HM91
sdg  9WM66QZP
sdh  9WM73LV3
sdi  9WM6JLJT
sdj  9WM73600
sdk  9WM6Y6B5
sdl  Z1F1HLMY
sdm  9XH024P1
sdn  9XH025HS
sdo  9XH01Y60
sdp  9XH025PY
sdq  9WM6KMP3
sdr  9WM6PESG
sds  9WM6QFZP
sdt  9WM66ZY9
sdu  9WM6SAL6
sdv  Z1F1LVP2
sdw  Z1F11NKT
sdx  Z1F11LB7
sdy  Z1F11NVV
sdz  Z1F11MEF


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